H ow can we save our green environment? in the current world people are more suffer or facing many problem which are basically related to environment.when people think how they can come out from such types of problems altimately they find that every thing is related with the environment and when environment is good then every thing will be fine. I am not talking only about the educated world but also about the remote and uneducated world people. There are two main thing which people get directly or indirectly from past incidents or by education knowledge. when people get idea from study or by practical both are imbortant but practical is more important then the educational knowledge...when you see this photos you will believe what actually i want to convey message.....
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This is the photo of khadkabada jumla’s local people. They are going to build a jungle in vacant hill many year before there was a big jungle .During the last 50 years all tree were cut down .they feel it is not good for environment as well as their own daily activities because after finishing of jungle there is problem of water all the resources were changed in to just a well. The weather is also rapidly affected; many kinds of daises have been seen in the society. They intend to build a jungle and start replantation from last 10 years there people are devoted on this process they want to build a great jungle in modern time. All of them are live in same village .The name of this place is lamra 9, khadkabada Jumla.